
Squares and Faces

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Last winter they had an Ice-art show on our citysquare.
Luckily it was cold so they lasted for two weeks. 

One of my favourites 

© NF Photo 240530

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:



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This little butterfly is my granddaughter, many years ago. 

One of my first paintings

The Coffee filter butterfly!

© NF Photo 240528


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Our Midweek Muse   Wordless Wednesday

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Deer photo

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Staring at each other

Or, in some cases, just hiding! So they don´t see me. 

© NF Photo 240529

Lol, Davis complimated me last week about getting shots of  deers. So I thought I would tell you! 

First, I always walk alone, so nobody is talking. 
Second, when I arrive to an area where they might be I walk in grass because gravel would give me away.
Third, I walk slowly one step at a time, 
Forth, as soon as they see me I stop. 
Fifth, I think that is the trick because now we are staring at each other.
Six, my hands lifts the camera and take, maybe, two shots. 
And that´s it, because by now the deer realised I am a human and takes off. 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless    WATW     Friday Face

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Roe deer

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Roe deer female, in the little park behind a school.
I did see it on my way to town. 

© NF Photo 240524 with my phone


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters   

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Dark faces, Van Gogh

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Rains Thursday Art and Dinner Date today is about Van Gogh
He also have a Face for Nicoles Friday Faces
Van Gogh

ca 1888.
An image I found online.
Seems as he liked himself. Myself I never made selfportraits.
 Not even with my camera. I´m only in shots when I want to remember who was with me that day. 

Dark Power
I have probably shared this one before. It is a bad guy in one of my glases :)  

© NF Photo 240523


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
TADD        Friday Faces FFO
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Magnolia flowers

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Magnolia flowers

© NF Photo 240520


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday     MCOW

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Spring bird watching in a churchruin

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Yesterday my daughter and I went to the old Church ruins. We were hoping to see common swift .
And we did, the first ones had arrived. Not many, but at least we got to see some.

© NF Photo 240517

Common swift
Spring birdwatching in a church ruin

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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A balloon dipped in color can be used to create fun art. 
You will never know what it will look like when applied to a canvas. 

The wolf.
If I remember correctly this wolf was a plastic piece ment to decorate car windows.
I put it on a canvas and splashed colors around it.
Balloons, above

A puppy face for Nicole. 

© NF Photo 240516 


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
    Nicole Faces

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Yesterdays sunset

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Sunset from my window

 30 min later

© NF Photo 240514 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday      MCOW

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Snails with faces

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This image is actually two of them. The little one seem to be hitchhiking. 

© NF Photo 240510

I know, unusual faces, but still faces. They use their antennas as eyes. 
A creature I am quite fond of. 
They like it wet so they appear mostly when it has been raining. So you need to watch your steps. 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
FFO       Saturdays Critters

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Statues with faces

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Morgon! - Morning! 
in our city park

                      Morgon                                                   Unkown woman statyett                   
                                                                   probably from a visit to Iceland

A few visitors to my bookshelf
I think they are all Afrodite. 

© NF Photo 240509


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

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Wordless spring

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Recently felled tree

Lily of the Valley is budding

© NF Photo 240508


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday    MCOW

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Saturdays critters

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Fallow deer, my favorites. I still see them sometimes.

Mallards pair almost hidden in the pond

Colorful cat

© NF Photo 240504

Photographing nature is pretty hard these days. My "good" camera is broken. It does take 7 images when I expect one. And with different settings. From very bright to almost black. Not fun at all.

I still have the phone camera, but that is harder to use. And to keep still. I have problems with that. I am used to shoot "fast action" shots. 📷 And, now, it is a mess. 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters

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