
Sky watch

 Click image to enlarge!
© NF Photo 160324

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Sky Watch Friday

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Fences in black and white

 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 160327

This is the workshop for heavy machinery used for road and ground work. Guess they are out digging somewhere.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
GOOD FENCES     Black and White Weekend

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playground

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


The Creative Playroom 1 The hunt

Welcome to "The Creative Playroom" 1

The intention for this linkup is ART but in a broad meaning. I want to see that you have done some creative work. 

You can post digital art, images of your paintings and sketches, beautiful monocrome.
 Forget being serious for a while. Create strange worlds  and post them. Create beauty, funny, crazy things. Or moody ones. And then share them. The point is, have fun with it! And learn new things in the process.  This is just for the fun of being creative.

Everything creative works. BUT please, don´t link up everyday photos or advertising
You can link to your meme post  IF you have a proper image for mine, if not, your link will be removed. You shall also have a backlink to my weekly linkup. Not to the blog. 

 Click image to enlarge!

The hunt
© NF PhotoArt 160330

Linking up with  Paint Party Friday  Caturday Art   CED    Wordless Wednesday

This was my first work, now I hope to see a few others joining me in the linkup. 

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Kaskadpil - Weeping Golden Willow

 Click image to enlarge!

Kaskadpil - Weeping Golden Willow
© NF Photo 160326 Duveholmssjön

This willow tree stands at the lake 5 min walk from my home. I have not noticed before that it´s hanging branches are so yellow.
It is really good looking with the bare, hanging, "curtain".

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Trees n Bushes

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 160327

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Macro Monday2   Our World Tuesday

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes.
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , digital   , , , , , ,


Lathund - Template The Creative Playroom

  The Creative Playroom 9

For information about the linkup please visit:  
About Creative Playroom

 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 1605xx

If you want to see my previous memes as NF DAM please visit Image Workshop
Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

-- --
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,The Creative Playroom, 


Geese and ducks a misty morning

 Click image to enlarge!

 Geese and ducks a misty morning
© NF Photo 160326 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
  Wild Bird Wednesday    Bird D´Pot

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes.
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Light-bulb reflection

 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 160325

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend Reflection      Black and White weekend

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,black and white, bulb, glödlampa, light-bulb, monochrome, reflection, spegling, svartvit, 


Circle of ice

 Click image to enlarge!

Circle of ice
© NF PhotoArt 160322

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
NF DAM 190

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Coal tit in Japan

 Click image to enlarge!
Coal tit
© NF Photo 160131

A little friend I also found in Japan. A Coal Tit, so happy to see it in the branches of a pine.
More from this day on my Travel Blog. HERE

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Trees n Bushes

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes.
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , , , , , , ,


Frosty leaf

 Click image to enlarge!
Frosty leaf
© NF Photo 160229 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Macro Monday2

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes.
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,



 Click image to enlarge!
© NF Photo 160131

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend Reflection     Saturday Silhouettes

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  NF DAM

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  reflected,speglad,driver,chaufför, kommunikation, communication, siluett, silhouette.bus,