
The Art of Bullfinch

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© NF Photo 150130 ,   © NF PhotoArt 150131

The female is a SOOC image the male is carefully treated with angled strokes in CS5

I have a question. would anybody be interested in a Bird Art Meme? Might be fun to try it as we often has beautiful bird images. Interested? Let me know!

Reconnect with Nature    Wordless Wednesday      Bird D´Pot   Mandarin Orange Monday
My memes:  NF Catching light      NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Black and White countryside

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Stenta in Monochrome 
© NF Photo 150130 ,   © NF PhotoArt 150130

Black and White Weekend   BWP project 30

My memes:  NF Catching light      NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Geometric in HongKong

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© NF Photo 140906 Hongkong airport,   © NF PhotoArt 150129

Geometric Friday
My memes:  NF Catching light  and   NF DAM with Abstract art meme
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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One sunny winters day

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© NF Photo 150123 Krämbol

One sunny day with newly fallen snow turned the world into a magical place with snow, fences, sunlight, shadows, reflections in the steam and horses. Not bad for one day.

Saturdays Critters   Shadow Shot Sunday    
Weekend Reflections ( third image)   GOOD FENCES 45  Sky Watch Friday

My memes:  NF Catching light      NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.


Snowy reed in backlight

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Snowy reed in backlight
© NF Photo 150123

 NF Catching light 125
P52    Wordless at Image-in-ing   Macro Monday   Nature Notes
My memes:  NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The Rising of Ninja

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The Rising of Ninja
© NF Photo,   © NF PhotoArt 150125 

Wordless Wednesday    Mandarin Orange Monday  Creative Every Day

My memes:  NF Catching light    
NF DAM with Abstract    Next edition on wednesday.

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Winter avenue

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Winter avenue at Katrineholms Mansion
© NF Photo 150122 

We got a lot of snow last night!

Sky Watch Friday   GOOD FENCES (the last two)
My memes:  NF Catching light and NF Blo-Ma     NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Zooming experiment

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© NF Photo 141003   

This is a photographic experiment. I was zooming in with my telezoom as I took the shot. I got a few rather cool images and lots of  crap ones :)

NF Blo-Ma 125

P52 SST   Floral Friday Fotos
My memes:  NF Catching light      NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The Nuthatch

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Nötväcka - Sitta europaea - Eurasian Nuthatch 
© NF Photo 150116 Tornsksogen

A bird well know by most people.

Nature Notes       Bird D´Pot
My memes:  NF Catching light      NF DAM with Abstract
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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