

 Click image to enlarge!
Not sure what the H-k I am doing today. Obviously! 

Thie week started off quite good. I found a Godleneye with chicks and a Coot with two chicks. 
The dragonflies are starting to fly, but this one looks different in some way. I can´t ID it. 
The deer in the images are the same. In the first image you only see the dark ones upper head. They were resting in a very wet field. We had a rainstorm the day before the images was taken and I was walking in, here and there, 15 cm deep water on the field. It was flooded everywhere. 
At first I did not see the crane as the nest was empty, but later on the creane was back so I think the eggs made it. 
The swifts had arrived and had a great time catching whatever bugs was flying over the water. I did not get any good shots of them but this silhouette was good enough to use. 
I hope you like my crazy Mosaic today. I am very frustrated. 

Below is what happened to a place, Kvismare Bird Observatory, I usually to visit a couple of times every season. I have to drive 1.5h to get there. It is a great place for birding and wildlife.  It is now compelately flooded. In the article they say the waterlevel rised around 1meter. And still rising. The problem with this area is that it is inland and don´t have good connetions with larger lakes. So, it will take a long time for the waterlevel to lower.  😭

"Disaster in Kvismaren!
We have got an insane amount of rain the last couple of days, and the water levels in the area have raised with almost a meter. This has of course ruined all ongoing breedings in the area. Let's just hope that the water levels goes down fast so some species might have a chance of a successful second brood."

Photo from their FB site! The images is only a part of the area of the Observatory. 

© NF Photo 210528

Take care everyone!

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WW Siblings and giraffes

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© NF Photo 210515-17

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Birds and deers

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Top row is a Black bird male strolling around in our city park. 
The crane is stll at the nest. It is two weeks now since I noticed it. Can I hope for some reddish chicks the coming week?? That would be fun. But I would not mind if they came a bit closer. This is the best my camera can do. 

Driving I noticed these guys on a field, taking a nap after lunch. Sneaking up behind trees I was able to take a few shots before they noticed me. Sometimes I feel a bit bad disturbing them this way. 
They could not have seen or heard me, I think they smell me. 😅
Fallow deer males. 

© NF Photo 210522


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Saturday Critters      Mosaic Monday      OWT

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WW Spring beauty

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Red Maple 

Horned Grebe

© NF Photo 210517

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This weeks critters

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Top: Pheasant and Green hairstreak I only saw one of each!
Below: horses and barn swallow at the stable. Barn swallow just arrived and seem to be in fair numbers. :)

The crane is still incubating while her neigbours, the Mallards,  standing watch. 

In the art gallery there are an exhibition sharing giraffe and birds. 
I can walk below the giraffes bellies and the birds are created from cans. I was stunned!

© NF Photo 210515

Take care everyone. C is not over even if it takes a little break. 

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Saturdays Critters    IRBB      Mosaic Monday

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BWW Birds and giraffe exhibition

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Exhibition by Thomas Karlsson in our art gallery.
I did not include the top one in the mosaic as I think that one has to stand alone!

© NF Photo 210514

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Weekend in Black and White     Mosaic Monday

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The city is coming back to life

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© NF Photo 210511


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What people, drought, bugs and clearings do to nature

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The devastating two years of droughts and  infected forests.
Because of the droughts the lakes dried out more or less and the blowers was not pollinated. So, the spring birds arriving to my area are out of food! No insects and no seeds. They come, take a look and continue some place else. 
Östra VingĂ„ker, used do be filled with ducks and other waterbirds. Even coots are absent. I guess that might have give room for one pair of Cranes that are breeding right now.

NĂ€snaren is a bit larger. Here used to be lots of coots and different ducks. Especially when migrating. 
Now ducks are easily counted but the Mute swans are still here. 

The lakes above are the main places where I look for water birds. There were a few others but the 2 years of drought dried some out. Others, wetlands became converted to grow crops and destroyed them. 

Below are a lot of images of clearing forests. They are all around the city. No matter what direction I drive, there are new areas cut down. And they are huge!

This is the same place as above but further away. Cut down every bit of the hillside. 


Earlier the row of Oaks was not visible unless you were on the field. 

Even around the Culture place "VrĂ„folket" where Stone age people used to live, there are huge clearings really destroying the place. 

Lately I really hesitate going out. I´m not happy to find new clearings and no wildlife. So far the Mansion that has the deers seem to survive. But their area is affected also as the deers can´t move as they usually do. And finally, I guess they have to cut down forests too. 

Next year will be as bad as this one. No insects = no seeds= no food 

© NF Photo 210511

Not to forget, The Corona! Does not make it any better. I´m fine though! 

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OWT   Random   MCOW

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Two, four and six-legged Critters

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Humble bees in cherry trees.
We have a roundabout traffic area where they planted 100 cherry trees  5 years ago. Lots of flowers but not many humble bees. Maybe they stayed at home where it is cosy and not cold. It actually came a little snow when I was there. 
The top image I created for my cover image on FB. 

Horned grebe! Top row"
I did not see them when I arrived at the ponds. But walking the area further away I saw one pair in  dense bushes. If they nest at that area it will be hard to watch them. There will soon grow a lot of reed and greeary on bushes, hiding them. 

The Common crane, bottom row, seem to have a nest. They might be late. I have seen images with chicks on FB. 

Moose and a common crane.
And this moose was rare. I have not seen any since Sept last year. This is probably a young male! No antlers yet, but the bright hind legs. 

A great day! Not when it comes to numbers, but when it came to species. 
I have a counter that counts my steps, I walked 7640 steps, outdoors, 5348 meters and used, only, 289 kcal. Weird, ain´t it? You walk for hours and use only 290 kcal. 😞

© NF Photo 210507

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Mute swan

© NF Photo 210504


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Black and White weekend

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WW Tiny Draba verna - Nagelört

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Draba verna - Nagelört

© NF Photo 210429


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