
A walk at Klastorp Mansion

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We finally got some snow and cold and it made the landscape much prettier. The red farmhouse looks great in teh afternoon sun and the snow. There are lots of Ravens in the area and the "footprints" are not mine, they are the prints of raven. I think I have to show this to Andrea. There is an upsidedown face in the footprints. 😂

I was happy to see my Black fallow deer friend. And the other males too. A couple of days ago there was a hunt on the mansions property. They hunted deers and wild boar. So, I am quite happy to see so many of the beautiful deer males still alive, especially the black one. 

Take care everyone, I am enjoying winter and hope it stays at least two more weeks. I was pretty tired of the wet and grey landscape. 

© NF Photo 210130

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Birds this week

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This little Robin has been at Boda Kvarn for three weeks now. It does not seem to mind the last days cold. I think it made a home under the building nearby. 

The dipper showing it´s white eye protetive lenses. 

Ice and snow and running water is what dippers like.

Great spotted woodpecker positioned for lunch

© NF Photo 210129

We finally got some snow where I live. And cold weather too so it won´t melt away quickly. 
Today is sunny and -14deg C (6,8F) so, time to get ready for a hike!


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Finally a snowy day

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My walk today was chilly but so beautiful. Through the avenue, the forest and the meadow. 

© NF Photo 210129

Finally we got some snow and sun. 

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Sunset light all around me.

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© NF Photo 210121


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Sunset of a decade

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It had been raining more or less for several days and the snow we had was almost gone with wet and mud everywhere. I had been to the grocery store and was on my way home and it was raining. Almsot home I noticed light at the horizon. Clouds was lifting. So, I continued my trip hoping for sunset at a place I know is good for sunsets. And this happened. 

This sky was all around me. The air was still full of tiny driplets. Maybe that is why this happened. The colors was moving as if someone had blown on them. I took the video below with my phone turning myself all around. The first 5 images taken from the same place. The last one is from a place more close to home.  I hope the video works for you. It is a little more then a minute long.

© NF Photo 2101221


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Sunset at Östra Vingåker

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I walked a new part of the forest

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I´m afraid this will be a long post with several photos. It has been raining more or less for two weeks with just glimps of sunshine and I have seen neither birds or animals. So I was not supposed to post today. But the sun wanted otherwise. So, here is todays adventure in a new part of the forest I have not walked before. 

First I went to the feeding place I disovered earlier. It was empty. No deer in sight. No wonder really as it was really wet and muddy all over the place.

Walking back to my car I spotted a male Fallow deer at the other side of the field. So I headed that way.

Coming closer, yes, he is still there but going into the forest. Where are the others??

Passing the field I noticed the black one. As always it watches me. 

A little far off two more hiding. You have to look close to see the one in front of the closest one. 

Now I decided to go into this forest. As you can see it is not the easiest place to walk in. 
Ouch, these guys did not want to be on camera. It is three of them if you look carefully.

And my friend the black one. 
At this point I thought if was time to give them a break. Thanks guys!

During the walk I found another place where they feed them. So now I have four places to look for them. I also found some beautiful places in the forest. 
The only path in this forest is the ones created by the deers. It is wise to follow them. I don´t know if you can see it on the right side of the image. 

I also found this forest puddle created by the large amount of rain lately. It will probably dry out eventually. But I will certainly keep an eye on it. 

I hope you liked seeing what my adventure was today. I have not enlarge them fully as it would be a long post. But you can always enlarge the ones you want by clicking them. 

© NF Photo 210123


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A rainy day

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A rainy day in the forest

© NF Photo 211230


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Backa lake and Roe deer

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Backa lake rarely freezes compleately as there are a stream going through it. So, this is no place for walking or skating. 

On my walk today I was in for a surprise. Three Roedeers was in the area. They sometimes visit the neighborhood but I rarely see them. And this was the first time in several years there was three of them. These deers don´t gather in herds, they are mostly small family groups, two or three animals. 

© NF Photo 210117


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New and old

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Fallow deer
At the mansion, where I mostly photograph the deers, they have now put out food stations for them. It bame cold and snowy and it maked it harad for the deer. They are wild animals and moves freely. But the owner of the mansion cares for them when needed. 
I had sneeked up behind bushes but of course, very awere one immediately noticed me. This is a rather young buck and not used to me. 

Mallards welcoming!
This is what it looks like when I visit Djulö Kvarn. Almost impossible to get out of the car. 

Currently I post a few of my dragonfly species on Instagram. They are not many because many of them are impossible to ID unless you are a proffessional with a microscope. 

But this one I know. It is a Four-spotted chaser - Fyrfläckad trollslända. 
I have a lot of shots of it. I even found a secquence of a pupa when hatching.  
It is amazing what you can find in your files. I had forgot about this. 

© NF Photo 210116

Take care everyone. 

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Partly frozen

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Winter has arrived! A little streaming water keeps it from freezing completely. 

© NF Photo 210113


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Winter Sunset

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Winter sunset!

© NF Photo 210112


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A nice surprise

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I went to Boda Kvarn to see if the White-throated Dipper was home. 
It was and said Hello!

And then I noticed something red flashing by...... 

a European Robin! - Rödhake. 
Guess if I was happy! This time of year it is supposed to be down south. And I have not seen any robin at all last year. None!
Winter seem to slowly arrive at my location so I hope this little one starts to travel. At least it does not need any passport. :) 

No deers seen for almost two weeks. But yesterday I noticed a tractor with hay balls driving out on a field. So that will be my next search for them. 

Take care everyone. In Sweden the situation has worsened and now we have stronger restrictions. 

© NF Photo 210108


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
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