
Colors on horses

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Colors on horses
© NF Photo 160927

This is horses behind the stables in the Fencepost in NF World HERE.
What strikes me is that the coloring on the horses is so strange. Not at all what they used to be when I way young. A "redhead" horse for one? Never seen a color like that before. Then a white horse with black mane, and a dark horse with white mane. But the Norwegian Fjord horses looks the same.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Black and white leaf

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Black and white leaf
© NF Photo 160930

Autumn is here!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Black and White Weekend

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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 Click image to enlarge!
© NF Photo 160926, © NF PhotoArt 160929

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday   Feline Friday   Caturday art  WW tuesday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Sun rays

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Morning Sun rays
© NF Photo 151015

And, edited for PPF:
Morning Sun rays shines on Red deer
© NF PhotoArt 160929
Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Sky Watch Friday    Paint Party Friday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Feather in blue light

 Click image to enlarge!
Feather in blue light
© NF Photo 160819, © NF PhotoArt 160925

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Macro Monday   Wordless Wednesday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Black and white deer

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© NF Photo 140630

An older image from my files

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White   BW Wednesday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Camera reflection abstract

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Camera reflection abstract
© NF Photo 140520 

Digging in my files today.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend Reflections

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The old tower

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The old tower
© NF Photo 160920   © NF Photo 160923

When I opened this imae tody I was surprised. The change from the original is rather large. But I will not share that one here. This looks like an old image in a fairytale book. And seeing it today it actually gave me some additional ideas to work on when winter hits us. I might ad a deer beside the tower. Or I go take another image from another angle. Could be used for the old tale of the princess with the long hair. Not really what I usually do, but if I find the right images to work with, who knows.  :)

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Daybreak in Japan

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Sky over Arasaki
© NF Photo 160122, Arasaki, Japan

An early morning on my journey to Japan

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Sky Watch Friday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Winter grass

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Winter grass
© NF PhotoArt 130113

Today I am sharing an older image.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Sunday Sketches    Macro Monday

First posted HERE
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Model on a cat walk!

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Cat walk, in Black and White!

 Back to normal, but still gorgeous and proud!

Hair and makeup!
© NF Phot 160914. © NF PhotoArt 160916

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
WATW   Wordless Wednesday
Black and White Weekend   Saturdays Critters   Caturday Art

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ,


 Click image to enlarge!
© NF PhotoArt 151118

I played around a bit with our city hall.
Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:

Linking up with: Paint Party Friday

See the sidebar for the latest updates in my blogs.
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 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 160913, Näsnaren

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Sky Watch Friday   Wednesday Waters    WATW     Wordless Wednesday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ,



 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 1609xx

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Black and White Weekend

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  ,

Catching light reflection

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© NF Photo 160907

The broken glass catches the reflection from sky and tree branches.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend Reflection

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Crushed light transition

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Catching light

Crushed light

Burnt light

Catching moon
© NF PhotoArt 160908

I am prepareing a collection of images for "Catching light".
 In my area the art gallery has an exhibition in December for local artists. A group of "judges" will put together an exhibition from known and unknown artists. I will choose 5 to create a collection. Maybe start with Catching light and finish with the moon. I have not decided yet.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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