
Autumn critters

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These two sturdy horses are at the same place as the horses I shared before. But they are for themselves in a different enclosure. I think they are "retired". Most of the time they are at the back of the pasture and not easy to see. I think you can say they are almost "wild". But they have an open barn to seek shelter if needed. And they are taken care of, if not washed.  Not sure what kind of breed they are. 

A misty morning and sheep in a pasture. I thought the lone one was a rock at first sight. 

One of the White-throated dippers has arrived. If we are lucky there will be one or two more. 

Playing hide and seek!

© NF Photo 201031 

Take care everyone. The C is still around. It is great though to be able to walk in nature without risk to get infected. 

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Saturday Critters      Nature Notes        IRBB

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Morning light

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Morning light 
© NF Photo 201028

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WW Light in the city park

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Ball of light

© NF Photo 201027

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Wordless Wednesday      MCOW     Bloghop

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My town Katrineholm

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This is my town this week. Top image is the road going south out of town. Three years ago when the city celebrated it´s 100 years of age they planted cherry trees. The trees are still "young" and flowers are starting in spring. Not that much yet. But, it turned out that the trees are gorgeous even in autumn. The leafs turns orange and red. Two different species of trees. 

Next row, the steps are from our arboretum. The rest three photos are from the city square yesterday. It had been raining and I noticed those cool reflections. I had to kneel to get the shots :) 

© NF Photo 201025

Snow has started in the north part of Sweden but not where I live . But we have been close to 0° C
We have a word in Sweden that is quite good. It is "lagom" it means not too much and not to little. Just good enough. So, I hope your weather is "lagom" too. Not to dry and not to wet or cold. 

Take care!

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Fallow deer. 
This was the first time I saw the group blended like this. I even see the big boy, with the gorgeous antlers to the left. But they are on the other side of the field and in a ditch at the forest edge. So it is impossible to get closer to them. 

Another day at the same field and different direction. It is farther to the barns then what it looks like. I managed to get behind a rock unseen but then something else scared them off. This is the only shot I got.

A few beauties at the riding school. It was an overcast day, that is why there is a slight blue tone in the photo. Looks kind of nice on the horses though. 

Australian White Ibis
For the moment I post some birds from Queensland on my IG account. This is one of the ugly/charming birds I love to watch. 

© NF Photo 201024


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Inverted B&W nature

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My newest little bird lake/pond

© NF Photo 201014
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Birch in our Arboretum

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Paper birch

© NF Photo 201019


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Fallow deer

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Fallow deer mostly females, fawns and young bucks 
First time I have seen them this way this year. In the open like this, calm and relaxed. 
And, they did not notice me. 

Fallow deer doe and her fawn. The youngest one I have seen. The doe saw me but seemed to be unsure if I was a threat or not. 
This is in the corner of  a field behind the Mansion´s barns. The harvest is over so the deer is coming back. 

I wonder who lives here? Might be a fox but I have not seen any. 
This is the forest I walk through to get to the field above. And this is the easy part. 😅 Lots of fallen trees with sticky branches. But, a great exercise. And much more fun then walking or jogging. I like to sneak up on them. 

© NF Photo 201017 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Mosaic Monday       MCOW

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Moose and a new place

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Moose cow and calf

A young Moose bull. Maybe the cows calf from last year. You see the small antlers, and they are bloody. 

Moose family. All three visible here. 

I noticed the moose from across a field. I was happy to see there was tree of them. Earlier I have only seen two. I assume the young bull is also the cows offspring. Or else he would not be with them. 
Coming home I realized the moose hunt is about to begin. I can only hope they survive. 

I found a new place this week, about an hours drive from home. It is a small Nature Reserve saving the environment of an old Esker from glacier times. WIKI
Lake Jägern with mostly mallards swimming. 

A herd of sheep tending the landscape. 
Walking into the reserve I immediately got company. 😍

© NF Photo 202017


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Wordless pieces of fall

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© NF Photo 201014

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
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MM Autumn road trip

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This was one of those days when the weather had no idea of what it was supposed to be. 
I had been to the grocery store and did not want to go home. So I drove out of town to check some areas I had not been for a while. It is a nice road to travel. And I have one place I always stop and check. It is a marsh and in normal years you need rubber boots to go there. This summer it has been dry but this day it was wet, obviously. But I managed  with my boots.  :) 

Passing a hill I noticed the landscape with dark clouds and sunshine. Had to stop. There was noise above my head. A group of Graylag goose was travelling. Preparing for migration south. 

The mushroom, cauliflower fungus, is one om my favorites. I just wish it was not that hard to clean. 

Most of the trees will soon be bare. 

© NF Photo 201012


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
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Little ones

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Flies and blooms are still around

A snail on decayed Lily of the valley leaves and berry

Another kind of snail on a stick

A European garden spider / cross spider is building it´s net on my balcony. 
I wonder how old they can be as I seem to have one or two as house gests every year on my balcony. Every time I by accident spoil their net they build a new one. This time I was watching the spider weaving. You can see the thread coming from it´s legs. You see the belly of the spider. 

© NF Photo 201010


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters

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