
Spooky in the forest

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© NF Photo 210430

A bit spooky in the forest today. 👀😈

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White

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Critter MM Hare crane swan duck

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Sometimes I take the "long walk" to my grocery store. Like when it is to bad weather to go to the forest. This day I encountered these two hares in a park like area. The shop is on the other side of the tunnel visible in the shot. There often are one hare there so I was surprised to see two. 

Northern shoveler
A pair of  Northern shoveler arrived in the ponds. I think it is the same pair as last year as they were swimming in the same area as earlier. A bit too far out for my taste. It is hard to get good shots in that distance. I was hoping to see young last year but did not notice any. 

A pair of whooper swans also arrived at the pond. Can I wish for cygnets??

First time I was able to capture six Common cranes in one shot where I live. Usually I only see pairs. And in summer two chicks. 

This is all for today. I have recieved my first Covid vaccine. If you want to see shots, visit the posts before this one. 

Take care everyone, it is cold over here.

© NF Photo 210424

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters       IRBB      MM     OWT

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In line for vaccine

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© NF Photo 210420

In line for Covid vaccine. Well, it was not me if I did not take a few shots!

In line for vaccine

Always good to have a camera to waist time!

One of the fences at the bikes parking. 

Waiting 15 min before one can go home!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White

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© NF Photo 210420

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday      Snap       MCOW

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Critters this week

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Butterflies are awakening now. 
Peacock butterfly, The comma and the Mourning cloak.

Fallow deer!
This guy lost one of his antlers. The wound is visible on the inserted shot. First time I´ve seen this and got a shot. Now I will follow them more closely for a while. There are at least ten males and they will loose their antlers all of them. After that I will not recognize them as their antlers are like fingerprints. Unique to each one. In August I will be able to see new antlers grow out. Will be fun. 

I finally got a welcomming shot of the Grey wagtail. This is probably a female. The couple have been here for a while. I hope they will stay to nest and raise young!

White wagtail

© NF Photo 210416

Take care eaveryone

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
SaturdayCritters        Mosaic Monday

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Umbrella reflection

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Umbrella reflection 

© NF Photo 210413 

Wet everywhere this day!

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White

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Hi there

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Hi there! 

© NF Photo 210412


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday      Be there

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This weeks nature mosaic

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Top row, my lipstick flower and a wild flower, not sure wich. 
Bottom row: The butterfly is an Orange underwing and the bird a White wagtail.
Both first sightings this year.

The forest ants got in touble when the forest was cut down due to being infected by 
European spruce bark beetle. The forest workers obviously tried to save the ant hill. But it is nevertheless quite damaged. I have followed these ants for many years. I hope they survive, they are important to the forest. 
© NF Photo 210411

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Mosaic Monday      Nature Notes      Pictorial Tuesday

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My forest is ruined

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A sad day! I went to the forest I used to hike to see how much they had cut down as I knew they would! And it was A LOT. An estimation says it was about half of the forest was cut down. The forest was/is infected with European spruce bark beetle and needed to be cut, but that much????  

Anyway I could see they saved what they could. Like this anthill. I have seen it for at least 12 years, since I moved to town. It is forest ants and they only live in a healthy forest. It is clear the cutters tried to save them. They cut the tree above the anthill but it is still damaged even if not destroyed. Time will tell if it survives. 

This is a nearby birch they cut. The poor ants seemed to try to go to the top of the tree but there was no top. Or maybe they wanted to harvest the sap?

I met these hikers in a part not that much destroyed. YET!

I met them again a while later. They were not thrilled I can tell. 

© NF Photo 210407


Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters    OWT      MCOW

See the sidebar for the latest updates in my blogs.
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Water flow in BW

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The water flows around the reed!

© NF Photo 210409 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White

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Lipstick plant

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Lipstick plant flower

© NF Photo 210408

This plant don´t have lots of flowers but they are beautiful. 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Floral FridayFotos       Little things

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Easter Umbrellas

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Easter decorations!

© NF Photo 210403

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Wordless Wednesday  Ramblin with am   Snap ww

See the sidebar for the latest updates in my blogs.
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