
Snowing again

 Click image to enlarge!

Snowing again
© NF Photo 160428

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Black and White weekend   Black & White Wednesday

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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In the air, White-naped Crane

 Click image to enlarge!

In the air, White-naped Crane
© NF Photo 160125, Arasaki, Kyushu, Japan

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
WATW     Sky Watch Friday

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The Creative Playroom 5 The cat model

  The Creative Playroom 5

For information about the linkup please visit and read:  
About Creative Playroom

 Click image to enlarge!

The cat model
© NF PhotoArt 160426

This was my art this week, now over to you. Please link up and have fun.

If you want to see my previous memes as NF DAM please visit Image Workshop

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters   Caturday Art   Paint Party Friday    Wordless Wednesday
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See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The last morning frost

 Click image to enlarge!

The last morning frost
© NF Photo 160310, Sjöholm

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Trees n Bushes
WATW    Our World Tuesday   Nature Notes

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Looking in to nature

 Click image to enlarge!
© NF Photo 160401

lichens and mosses
© NF Photo 160411

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Macro Monday2

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The Airport

 Click image to enlarge!
© NF Photo 160204, ©  NF PhotoArt 160423

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
sARTurday   C E D 

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The remains of the old burned-down house

 Click image to enlarge!

 The remains of the old burned-down house
© NF Photo 160421

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend in Black and White

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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The Creative Playroom 4 The wave

  The Creative Playroom 4
The intention for this linkup is ART but in a broad meaning. I want to see that you have done some creative work. 

You can post digital art, images of your paintings, beautiful monocrome. Or whatever creative things you have. 
 Forget being serious for a while. Create strange worlds  and post them. Create beauty, funny, crazy things. Or moody ones. And then share them. The point is, have fun with it! And learn new things in the process.  This is just for the fun of being creative. And visit others for more creative idéas. 

Everything creative works. BUT please, don´t link up everyday photos or advertising
You can link to your meme post  IF you have a proper image for mine, if not, your link will be removed. You shall also have a backlink to my weekly linkup. Not to the blog. 

 Click image to enlarge!
The wave
©NF PhotoArt 160419

For those of you that wants to view the original image it is posted HERE

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday     Worldless Wednesday (not counting the first part of the post)

See the sidebar for the latest updates in my blogs.
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Pollen season

 Click image to enlarge!

Pollen season abstract
© NF Photo 160415

Pollen season can be both beautiful and bad. Bad for everyone allergic to it and beautiful for the gorgeous patterns in a stream.

I made an abstract from the image above. You can see it at The Creative Playroom

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Weekend Reflections

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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 Click image to enlarge!

© NF Photo 160412

This birch forest grows alongside a small dirt road. When I first saw them we could not stop. But I could not forget about them so the next sunny day at the same time in the afternoon I went back. And this time I was able to park the car so I could go out and take some shots. I had to do it before the leaves came out and transformed the sight to green instead of silver.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Trees n Bushes

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Blue mist for the Goosander

 Click image to enlarge!
Blue mist for the Goosander
© NF Photo 160416

For this image I tried different ways to create rising waterwapor. Maybe not the best ever but I learned something :) 

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Paint Party Friday   Bird D´Pot   CED

My memes! Welcome to join
Tuesdays: Trees n Bushes
Wednesday:  The Creative Playroom

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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