
The best of summer

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The best of summer
©   NF Photo 140729 Dufweholms Herrgård

This weeks optional theme is water and the garden is overlooking Lake Duveholm. If anyone wants to know what the original looks like and how I did this you can see it at Bildverkstan

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In the meadow

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 Kamgräsfjäril - Coenonympha pamphilus - Small Heath

Stormåra - Galium album - white bedstraw
©   NF Photo 140727

In the meadow you sometimes get surprised. Things does not look as you expect them to do. The first image, I think, looks sad. It was a dry part of the meadow. The other one  seemed to thrive as it just recieved a short shower. And then the sun came out a little while.
NF Blo-Ma
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Hoya praetori... or??

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Hoya praetori... or??
©   NF Photo 140724
This plant came from a floral shot I bought 3 years ago. Now, finally, it started to bloom. But to my surprise it is not the one I bought. They sent me another one. Well, I can´t say I´m sorry, this one is gorgeous too, And so large, 35mm in dia, and it has a skirt. :) There is only three flowers, not a lot as the others I have. But that might be just a slow beginning.
Hoya praetori... or?? It was the name I was given. But the one I wanted should be orange/yellow. And much smaller.
Floral Friday Fotos   Todays Flowers
NF Memes
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Sunbeam Uppsala

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©   NF Photo 140724

I spent my day at Stendörren Natural reserve. A great place for taking a wim in the Baltic Sea. Just as we was packing our gear to go home this beauty came into sight. No chance you are getting home as long as she was visible.

 More about Sunbeam Swedish only, sorry.
A GOOGLE translation from a part of the history below:

research sunbeams history

The English cutter Sunbeam was built in 1905 in the East of England, specifically in Lowestoft.
The ship was built as a sailing trawlers to fish in the North Sea in summer and winter. During the late 1800s and early 1900s built over 2000 so-called "smacks" or sailing trawlers in England. The name Kutter comes to the type of vessel early had a CUTTER ie was enmastade, but later became vessels ketchriggade. The typical hull form with a straight stem, long keel, tail hedge and quite deep (about 3m) is characteristic of an English cutter. The vessels are built in 5 inch frames of oak with a plating on 2.5 to 3 inch shell and an interior decoration of 2-2.5 inch oak. The deck of pine is put on the deck beams of ek.Uttrycket "Two skips built in one" is proof that they considered this to be a strong hull.

NF Catching light

Sky Watch Friday   Our World Tuesday   P52 SSS

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Foot print

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NatureFootstep´s foot print
©   NF Photo 140723

Lol, I was at the beach today for tanning and a swim. This is my footprint already spoiled a little by the water. And when I looked at it there are two winged ones. A fly at the toe and a bee at the heel.
NF Winged
Macro Monday

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Bambi  (dovhjort - fallow deer)
©   NF Photo 140722, Boda Kvarn

Saturdays Critters    Camera Critters   Weekly Top Shot
NF Winged is now reopened, welcome to post your winged ones.
NF Memes
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The nature of orange

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The nature of orange
©   NF PhotoArt 140722, Östra Vingåker

Wordless Wednesday   Orange Friday   Mandarin Orange  Creative Every Day

I used colored pencil for the NF Art one 

The optional theme for DAM this week is WATER. Welcome to join on NF Memes on Wenesday.

  News, I´m reopening NF Winged.
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A girl in the lake

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A girl in the lake
"Ed Kashi, A National Geographic editor favorited your photo on Your Shot. He added your photo "A girl in the lake" as a favorite."

A girl in the lake 2
©   NF Photo 140719 at Duveholmsbadet
A girl in the lake
I was sitting next to her in the water, a waterproof camera in hand. The camera was wet and I did not focus. It is blurred by water drops and from holding the camera low at water level.
I was soo surprised when I got a mail from National Geographic. One of their photo editors had choosen one of my "girls" as favorite. It´s an honor even if it is just as a LIKE. But still...National Geographics editor liked it.  Especially as I only have uploaded 129 photos.

Creative every day   P52 SSS   NF Memes

NF Abstract 76

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Forsa creek at low water

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The oldest bridge, what´s left of it.

Todays bridge.

Forsa creek at low water
©   NF Photo 140717 Forsaån
Somebody told me about this place. It is the remains of an old bridge more then 100 years old.
Today it looks more like a primeval forest. Trees and moss covering the stonework. Right now it is very dry in the creek and what usually is a canoeing water is now hardly covering your feet.
People seem to have built many bridges on that location as I found another one too, built in 1925.

NF Insp Photo, Catching light 101

Our World Tuesday

I had a request of reopening NF Winged. A meme for everything winged like flies, butterflies, bugs, birds and such. Winged critters really. If you are interested in that please make a comment at:
NF Memes
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