
Pronghorn antelope - Gaffelantilop

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Pronghorn antelope - Gaffelantilop 
© NF Photo 170928, Elk Ranch Flats, Teton NP

This is one of the finest species of antelope I have ever seen. So different in appearance from other antelopes or deers. We did see them several times and always found them interesting. The male being very busy keeping the females in place. I wonder when he had time to eat.   :)

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Saturdays Critters   Saturday Snapshot

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  1. Simply wonderful to look at aren't they. Thank you for sharing and greetings.

  2. Hello, I agree, the Pronghorn are beautiful critters. Great captures. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. Lovely photos of beautiful animals. I've never been to Teton National Park, but it's on my list of places to visit. The mountains and the animals are surely magnificent.
    My Saturday Snapshot post features a visit to Pioneer Farm.

  4. Fantastic photos of these beautiful creatures.

  5. these are beautiful antelope indeed.. i think i saw them at the San Diego Wildlife Park .. need to check my photographs taken there .. https://myrandrspace.blogspot.com/2017/10/patience-secret-to-good-food.html

  6. Wonderful pronghorn shots! Especially that last closeup. We saw so many coming to Oregon from Tucson, especially on the first trip (we had to make two). But I was driving or they were too far away and we were going too fast to get any photos!


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