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Goldcrest - Regulus regulus - kungsfågel
© NF Photo 180220, CU-park

When it comes to birds I was lucky today. On my walk around a lake I noticed a movement in the grass. It was a Goldcrest. A bird I have not seen in years. And when I saw them it was only for a few seconds. They are so quick and moves on at once.

This time, however, was different. It was in the grass for several minutes. On the other hand I got problem following it. A strong sunlight was also difficult and the mist I got on the camera that dimmed my sight. Most of the time I just saw it´s bottom.  Took a lot of shots so I should be certain to have at least a few worth sharing.

This is the best shots I have from this bird, if I don´t count the ones I have from a ringing session. But that time they were captured and handled by personnel.

Linking up with the following memes. My thanks to the hosts:
Bird D´Pot     WATW     Wild Bird Wednesday

See the sidebar for the latest updates in my blogs.
Labels: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,  , Yellowstone


  1. What beautiful markings. Reminds me of the yellow rumped Warbler with that bright spot that shows up so well. Like a spot of paint on them! Great photos!

  2. So lovely. Congratulations! (I hope he has a mate hiding out somewhere so that there can be more of these!!!)

  3. She was trying to hide from you, but thankfully you were persistent.

  4. Showing of his crown! Beautiful bird. You got some great shots!

  5. Still some pretty good shots and what fun seeing it ...

  6. ...and it's a beauty! Well worth all the extra work/time to get these photos to share with us at I R B B this weekend. Thanks so much for linking in!!

  7. This is a new bird for me. Beautiful. Lucky you!


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