
Sunlit forest

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Sunlit forest
NF Photo 130618
Enhanced just a little in Arc Soft

Sunlit forest 2
Edited in CS5, finished off with Colored pencil
  NF Photo 130618

Not the same shot, but almost.
Orange Friday   NF Memes   Best of    Mandarin Orange  P52 SST
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Abstract glasses

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Abstract glasses
  NF Photo 121118

NF Abstract 

I made the usual editing with contrast and colors and finished off with Accented Edges.
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Fat man orange

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Fat man orange
  NF Photo 130318 Edit 130622 in Arc Soft

You want to know how?? Fat man orange on Bildverkstan

Mandarin Orange   Show o Tell Saturday   Tones on Tuesday
NF Memes 
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Reflecting Dandelion shadows

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Reflecting dandelion shadows and sunlight
  NF Photo 130617

I did not even have to get out for this one. Took it on the balcony.

Shadow Shot Sunday    Todays Flowers   Best Of 26   Weekend Reflection

NF Insp photo - Catching light 
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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  NF Photo 130619

Önskar alla en Trevlig Midsommar!
Wishing everybody a great Midsummer celebration!

I love the color of Lobelia. Royal Blue.   :)

 Floral Friday Fotos   Floral Love
NF Memes 
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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A favourite wildflower

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Backnejlika - Dianthus deltoides - Maiden Pink
  NF Photo 130615

My favourite widl flower is blooming now. Hope you enjoy is as much as I do.

NF Blo-Ma 
Weekly Top Shot

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Green Fantasy

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Green Fantasy
  NF Photo 130607, edit 130614

Mandarin Orange Monday  Tuesday Muse
Do you like abstract art? check out  NF Abstract 
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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Shadows at Tullgarn

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  NF Photo 130611 Tullgarns castle

Shadow Shot Sunday    Orange Friday
NF Memes 
See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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