

Thawing pools in Kloten forest

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 S O O C  shot
NF Photo 130417

CS5 Filter Stylize/Diffuse/Anisotropic

 NF Waters  on sundays
Our World Tuesday    Theme 18    Mandarin Orange
Water World
Regarding the color of the water:  the water is dark brown-red from the humus rich ground. There is also a thin layer of ice on the bottom with water on it. All of that together with sunshine creates the nice color. It is not enhanced.
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On the surface

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On The Surface
  NF Photo 130419, edited 130423

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Blomstervagga - Rhoeo spathacea - Moses in he Cradle

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Blomstervagga  - Rhoeo spathacea - Moses in he Cradle
  NF Photo 130419

This one is small, not bigger then your thumb nail, and goes by many names.  More info HERE

 NF Blo-Ma 
Floral Friday Foto   Best Of 18

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På cementen - On the concrete

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Ormbunke - Fern
  NF Photo 130416

Theme 17  Orange Friday
Check out my memes! NF Memes 
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Backlight in the forest

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A smaller tree with old leafs still on caught my eyes in the forest today. It was like the sun was purposely aiming the beams towards it. Highlighting the old leafs.

Then of course I had to play around a little bit. It is the same tree but another image.
 A little adjustments and Fresco effect in CS5 did the trick.
  NF Photo 130421

NF Inspiring Photography
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Play of light and shadows

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 Svarthakedopping - Podiceps auritus - Horned Grebe

CS5 and Poster edges
  NF Photo130420, Östra Vingåker 

This beauty finally arrived. Today I spotted 2 pairs in the little lake.
You need both light and shadows to create contrast.

NF Waters   Best OF 17     Water World
Bird D´Pot   Mandarin Orange   Shadow Shot Sunday   Camera Critters

See the sidebar for the last updates in my blogs.
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